вот прислали друзья америкосы такую фото-стори.
было так: семейная пара гуляла по Монтане, мул, ружо, барбосы, барбекю .. все как положено... и тут из-за угла на них лев! т.е. пума местная горно - пустынная и к барбосам резво так побежала, вероятно, жрать их придумала. мужик соскочил с мула и только хотел в воздух шмалять начать для испугу (ну, не по пуме же, не политкорректно и не экологично), а его жена все это снимать на digital, но тут этот конь - мутант бодро хапнул пуму за хвост и...

вот так! вот так!

а потом так!

и еще так!

и контрольный копытом в голову!
короче, отчислил коник киску. Вот такие жестокие кони в америке.
Для любителей привожу сопроводилово к картинкам as is:
This may be a first...
A couple from Montana were out riding on the range, he with his rifle and she (fortunately) with her camera. Their dogs always followed them, but on this occasion a Mountain Lion decided that he wanted to stalk the dogs (you'll see the dogs in the background watching). Very, very bad decision...
The hunter got off the mule with his rifle and decided to shoot in the air to scare away the lion, but before he could get off a shot the lion charged in and decided he wanted a piece of those dogs. With that, the mule took off and decided he wanted a piece of that lion. That's when all hell broke loose... for the lion.
As the lion approached the dogs the mule snatched him up by the tail and started whirling him around. Banging its head on the ground on every pass. Then he dropped it, stomped on it and held it to the ground by the throat. The mule then got down on his knees and bit the thing all over a couple of dozen times to make sure it was dead, than whipped it into the air again, walked back over to the couple (that were stunned in silence) and stood there ready to continue his ride... as if nothing had just happened.
Fortunately even though the hunter didn't get off a shot, his wife got off these 4...